digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Learning How to educate children for the digital age.


Interview Highlights

Guilty Pleasures of the Internet

Virginia Heffernan, media columnist for the New York Times Magazine, touches on the anxiety we feel as a culture about spending time online versus reading
Quiet time is key to adolescent development, argues Sherry Turkle, a clinical psychologist...
Saving Stillness
School is one of the last refuges from our always-on culture, and that's worth protecting,...
A Haven from the Madness
Chatham High School students, like many nationwide, are increasingly surrounded by screens...
Old School, New School

Interview Highlights

Saving Stillness

Quiet time is key to adolescent development, argues Sherry Turkle, a clinical psychologist and the director of the M.I.T. Initiative on Technology and Self.

Rough Cut

Old School, New School

Chatham High School students, like many nationwide, are increasingly surrounded by screens. Their teachers debate how to handle their split focus.

Interview Highlights

Preserving Focus

It's not easy for kids to still and concentrate, according to the Secretary of Education, but it's still an important skill to cultivate.

Interview Highlights

Virtual Education

While many hail the promise of digital tools in education, test scores have yet to improve, and it's because there are so many easy distractions available.

Interview Highlights

Diving In

Digital Natives are great at finding information, but don't always make it past the first page of Google results. Should we be teaching kids to be more critical?

Interview Highlights

Attention Deficit?

Teachers today almost have to be entertainers to keep kids' attention.

Interview Highlights

Countering the Urge to Multitask

Multi-tasking and digital media have impacted students' ability to pay attention, making reading more important than ever in this teacher's eyes.

Interview Highlights

A Haven from the Madness

School is one of the last refuges from our always-on culture, and that's worth protecting, says Todd Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer is a journalist and the author of The Flickering Mind.

Interview Highlights

Carving Out Quiet

Even this professor has trouble focusing on a book without consciously taking himself out of the loop.


posted February 2, 2010