digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Press Reaction

Heather Havrilesky,

"Even if you're too distracted by your iPhone to care whether continual distractions will take a toll on our souls, Digital Nation should beat a little sense into you."

Stephen Balkam, The Huffington Post

"... a dizzying view of our new digital worlds -- both real and virtual. An overriding question that's posed is not so much what technology can do for us, but what technology is doing to us. And it's tough to get an easy answer."

Larry Magid, CBS News

"... by no means anti-technology, but it does cause one to think about some of the unintended consequences technology may be having in our lives."

Matthew Gilbert, The Boston Globe

"This broad documentary tours through all kinds of digitally related issues, many of them rich enough to support documentaries of their own."

Debra-Lynn B. Hook, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

"I am relieved to know, after talking to [Rachel] Dretzin, after getting a sneak preview of her must-see show that we parents are not in this alone."

Brad Oswald, Winnipeg Free Press

"An engaging and enlightening 90-minute exploration of how digital technology, endless multi-tasking and around-the-clock connectedness are affecting our lives, for better and for worse."

Alex Strachen, CanWest News Service

"The theme is too big, too complex ... for Digital Nation to do anything other than scratch the surface in a 90-minute program. It's a fascinating surface, though ..."


posted February 2, 2010

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