digital nation - life on the virtual frontier


War by remote: What do you think?

War by remote: What do you think?

We've just posted a short excerpt from our footage with the pilots who fly unmanned Predator and Reaper planes over Iraq and Afghanistan. The planes are in the war zones; the pilots are at an... Read more ...


Is "Halo" the Army's best recruiting tool?

We just posted a short rough cut of a piece we shot at the Army Experience Center in Philadelphia that we would love you to check out. In 2008, the Army shut down five recruiting... Read more ...

Scenes from a new kind of front line

Scenes from a new kind of front line

Today, American air combat very often looks like this: two people, a pilot with traditional Air Force flight training and a typically younger sensor operator with no necessary flight experience at all, sitting next to... Read more ...

Guest Video: A Digital Generation at War

Guest Video: A Digital Generation at War

Elizabeth Rubin, a New York Times Magazine contributing writer, spent much of the fall of 2007 with Battle Company of the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade in northeastern Afghanistan. They were stationed in the remote, mountainous... Read more ...

Military Technology Forum Transcript

This live online discussion took place Tuesday, May 26, at 11 am EDT. The forum covered a wide range of issues raised in our online videos and blog, including cyber-security, drones, virtual reality training, virtual... Read more ...

Guest Blogger: VR Therapy from a soldier's perspective

Guest Blogger: VR Therapy from a soldier's perspective

February 2006 Friday arrived, and a relative lent me his car for the weekend so that I could head to Jersey to see my family. It was my first time behind a wheel alone since... Read more ...

A new kind of stress

A new kind of stress

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother -- Shakespeare, Henry V (IV, iii) What must it be like, for your... Read more ...

Digital Nation suits up

Digital Nation suits up

"Wear clothes that can get dusty... MREs for you to eat, water and Gatorade, that's it... Cameraman will be 'embedded' with the unit...You're going to get dressed up as an Iraqi woman and go through... Read more ...

Why the military?

In our earliest conversations about story ideas for Digital Nation, the American military's aggressive employment of digital technology came up as fertile ground for exploration. When we started researching, we found endless examples of how... Read more ...

Virtual reality therapy in New York

Virtual reality therapy in New York

We had a great shoot at the Manhattan VA last week. We filmed a virtual reality therapy session with Sgt. Jerry Della Salla and Dr. Michael Kramer at the VA's PTSD clinic. Jerry and... Read more ...

UAVs, through the lens of another war

As we continue to investigate the military's use of technology, Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently made public his budget recommendations. He encourages controversial cuts to programs geared towards traditional warfare, while indicating an increased... Read more ...

Another Perspective on Predators

Another Perspective on Predators

Last week, the Obama administration announced its intention to increase the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, to fight the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Pakistan. I posted a query here, wondering what... Read more ...


Behind the Scenes

Digital Natives


Living with Technology




Virtual Worlds

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posted February 2, 2010