digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Digital Natives / Digital Immigrants Ctd.

April 08, 2009 _ 13:31 / Digital Nation Team / comments (0)

The discussion on Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants continues. A reader writes:

In working with K-12 students and teachers for the past twenty plus years I can tell you with complete certainty there is a difference between how people "import and export" data for learning in 2009 verses 1990. Call it what you will, but it exists.
Is there a gray area - absolutely. Some teachers (Digital Immigrants) have learned to adapt to the need for highly charged stimulus from multiple sources; many have not. Don't forget students display a wide variety of capabilities as well - not all intake data at the same rate and quantity.
Our most important question is how do we change our system of delivery to meet the needs of all students of all ages no matter where they fall on the digital native, digital immigrant scale.

Another writes:

Having a 16 year old who knows more of the in's & out's of the computer world, I feel more lost than ever. I'm wary of using the computer for any of my banking, purchasing or any type of financial disclosure. I'm also not interested in any of these online social forums. My internet exposure writing this comment has me a little nervous. I was raised to be respectful, instilled with proper manners, and to work hard, knowing that my last name and it's reputation are at stake. My point being that with the constant threat of negative exposure in any internet outlet, or the victim of an internet scam or hacking, has made me tune out most of what I see on the www. I find myself withdrawn from most of my friends. I'm not online so therefore not "in". I'm more comfortable and so far more fortunate than some, because I'm not a victim of our new enemy. I'm sure some how, some way someone is looking and laughing and gearing up to make me a victim of what I've grown to totally dislike. I do wish you the best in your report and look forward to watching it, maybe online.




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posted February 2, 2010