college, inc.

Responses, Readings, Links

Post-Broadcast Letters of Response From the Colleges/Universities

Pre-Broadcast Letters of Response From the Colleges/Universities

Four of the biggest players in the for-profit higher education market declined to be interviewed for this program. However, they did respond in writing to queries from correspondent Martin Smith.

Articles, Reports and Documents

Homeless Shelters Cry Foul on For-Profits’ Tactics

Editor's Note (7/9/10): It has come to our attention through a ProPublica investigation into for-profit colleges and short sellers that one of the two letters published below to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan -- the one signed by 20 shelter officials from several states -- was instigated by someone working for an investment firm that was paying her to investigate for-profit schools. It has been reported that financial firms involved in short selling have had a longstanding interest in getting out negative news about the for-profit higher education sector.

FRONTLINE was provided the letters by a short seller who was interviewed for our College Inc. report. Before publishing, we contacted people to verify the authenticity of both letters. For the group letter, we contacted a few of the signatories to confirm they had signed it and it reflected their views; at the time FRONTLINE regretfully didn't go further and contact more of the signers and ask for more details about the provenance of that letter.