Bush's War

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What reactions do you have to this retrospective on the war in Iraq? Are there lessons in it for us and for the next U.S. president?


Dear Frontline,

My biggest concern after watching the broadcast is that we are indeed in a place now where we will not be able to leave Iraq. On the one hand, I know we cannot indefinitely continue to support the Iraqi government in terms of military support--we just don't have the soldiers to do the job in Iraq and Afghanistan and protect us here in the U.S.; on the other hand, today's news about the rocket attacks on the Green Zone suggest that we can't even draw down our troops without the violence going back up.

... so I can't see how we are going to get out of this, unless we are willing to sacrifice Iraqi lives or our national pride. The future looks very dark with respect to the future of Iraq and the future of our association with Iraq. It truly looks like a forever war.

Lafayette, Louisiana


In a different Frontline ("Arming of Iraq," shown on 9/11/1990) Richard Armitage says of the Iran/Iraq war: "It was at that time that we realized that, Good Heavens, we don't want anyone to win, but we don't want Iraq to lose." So while the Iran/Contra deal sent arms to Iran, the U.S. also sent arms to Saddam's Iraq, our bulwark against the Ayatollah's Islamists who had held America hostage. The policy seemed all but guaranteed to turn both sides against us.

David Keith
Deerfield, MA


It was well produced and edited. It is a bit like finding out how sausage is made, though. No one looks good in the end. Not even Colin Powell. Perhaps that's e- nice work on the "Bush's War" documentary. vidence that you got it right.

Anyway, perhaps the media can prevent war against Iran by finding out about all this subterfuge before the war. I'm probably like a lot of conservative Americans - when I heard Powell's speech to the UN, I thought - "that's it" - and was in favor of the action. I was wrong, in retrospect, but it would have been nice for the press to have investigated and debunked the evidence ahead of time.

Jonathan Barlow
Saint Louis, MO


"Bush's War" summarizes the great national disappointment of our time: a war obviously led by a President and administration made up of selfish and incompetent individuals.

We should be thankful for all those who tried to steer the President away from this conflict, that gave good advice, and be forever sorry that they were unsuccessful. May America be blessed with more competent leadership in the future.

Richard Weiger
St. Paul, MN


just an excellent and enthralling piece of t.v. journalism. Much kudos to Mr. Kirk. The questions about mis-administration are answered. The end to this misguided adventure is still a mystery. I still believe we will ask for the U.N. to clean up this mess.

michael kearney
rockford, illinois


Bravo, Frontline.

I have hope again.

Wheaton, IL


Nothing in the documentary about the Iraqi oil? Why?

While Wolfowitz' 1992 paper may have set out some post Cold War policy issues that fell into place in 2001, I am satisfied a major factor for invading Iraq was to assure that Iraqi oil would continue to flow to the world's industrial markets. It sounds like conspiracy theory, but I think Cheney's meetings with oil executives (early Bush II administration)concerned the coming of peak oil and the Iraqi oil was seen as vital to the world's many developed and devloping economies. Ergo, sound the alarm about WMDs and desirability of liberal, open democratic regime in Middle East, but by all means secure the oil fields.

Charlie Sneed
Durham, NC


I enjoyed your show " Bush`s War". I thought it was well thought out, with an agenda, but well thought out. As a first hand witness to what has happened in Iraq, I am critical of your choice of reporting. I did 2 tours with the Infantry and 1 yr 8 months with the Dept of State in Iraq. Your crew, left out everything good that has happened there. You also did not report the absolute evil being commited in the name of Islam. As far as I am concerned, you are now on the same level as CNN and Al-Jezerra(spelling) in it`s reporting. And it is President Bush, President of the United States. Have a nice day!!!

James McKaughn


Thank you for this essential documentary that demonstrates how arrogance, ideology, and incompetence can form a toxic brew.

The interviews of the soldiers on this website may be the most compelling part of this story. How sad it is that their remarkable fortitude can be squandered by administrators who cannot comprehend what they ask of those who serve on the front lines.

Donald Perlo
Newton, MA


I'm very disappointed in Frontline. You are perpetrating the myth that this war could have been won if we had only prepared for it properly. It was amazing to me when I heard Rep. Jim Saxton before the House Arms Services say last year that we are learning about insurgencies all the time, we are looking back to Viet Nam, Algeria,... I thought to myself your leaving off the insurgency that we celebrate every year on July 4th. People do not like being invaded or occupied. ...

Al Price
Philadelphia, PA


There are many, many lessons to learn from Iraq. One of the most important in my mind is that the next administration must severely roll back those unlimited powers of the president, and business in all departments must be conducted with openness and transparency. Secrets and secretiveness breeds corruption. No vice president or any other individual should be pulling all the strings in the background. The next president must be a better manager of her or his staff to insure that strong personalities are not working against one another, but rather are working in concert and being open and honest with the American people. No more lies and no more manipulation. I would really like to be able to trust my government again.

Ann Woods
Littleton, CO


This was a very interesting narrative of the the lead-up to and the war in Iraq. Though perhaps a little short on analysis, it was also a good description of the power struggles between the major players in the Bush Administration. What struck me most from your program was the absence of leadership on the part of George Bush in those power struggles. The best example was Bush's backdoor exit from the Camp David "Iraq strategy" meetings for a jaunt to Bagdad in 2006. Decisions needed to be made, leadership needed to be asserted and he dodged them both - meanwhile American GIs died. Not good!

Scott Blair
Washington, DC


I am a moderate Independent retired military. It is unfortunate that others see this as bias reporting. It is only facts. I have read many books on the subject of this war both left and right leaning. This documentary was well produced. Some people will never have any intellectual honesty.

Great job.

Mark Baird
Oakdale, MN


To anyone who still harbored hopes that the people (mostly men) running our executive branch were at all intelligent, wise, noble people, this program does an excellent job dispelling that notion. We see a pack of shortsighted, mediocre people unable to realize the terrible costs of their turf battles.

I hope in the second portion of this tightly edited, well-produced show there is some discussion about how Cheney and Rumsfeld have thus far avoided prosecution, and what can be done to hold them accountable for the terrible, terrible costs we are incurring because of their petty behavior.

I first thought Bush himself was more accountable, but Frontline seems to suggest that W had no clue what he was getting (us) into. Clearly, he still doesn't.

Malcolm McKinsey
Effort, PA


Thank you Frontline, once again, for telling the truth. Thank you for being the best there is in television. Thank you for not being afraid to put out the facts for all to see and hear. Reporting like yours is one of the few hopes I have at the present time for our republic. Please continue your wonderful work. Gratefully,

Roberta Gilbert
Falls Church, VA


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posted march 24, 2008

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