Bush's War

Interviews: The domestic front

Gamal Abdel-Hafiz
Chasing the Sleeper Cell » October 16, 2003
Sahim Alwan
Chasing the Sleeper Cell » October 16, 2003
John Ashcroft
Spying on the Home Front » May 15, 2007
John Brennan
The Enemy Within » October 10, 2006
Col. Thomas Burke
The Soldier's Heart » March 1, 2005
David Cole
Chasing the Sleeper Cell » October 16, 2003
Art Cummings
The Enemy Within » October 10, 2006
Jim Dooley
The Soldier's Heart » March 1, 2005
Alice Fisher
Chasing the Sleeper Cell » October 16, 2003
Matthew Friedman
The Soldier's Heart » March 1, 2005
Karen Greenberg
The Enemy Within » October 10, 2006
Lt. Col. David Grossman
The Soldier's Heart » March 1, 2005
Umer Hayat
The Enemy Within » October 10, 2006
Thomas Kean
The Enemy Within » October 10, 2006
Mark Klein
Spying on the Home Front » May 15, 2007
John MacGaffin
Chasing the Sleeper Cell » October 16, 2003
Salam Al-Marayati
The Enemy Within » October 10, 2006
Robert Mueller
Chasing the Sleeper Cell » October 16, 2003
Phil Mudd
The Enemy Within » October 10, 2006
Andrew Pomerantz
The Soldier's Heart » March 1, 2005
Cmdr. Dennis Reeves
The Soldier's Heart » March 1, 2005
Tom Ridge
Chasing the Sleeper Cell » October 16, 2003
James Risen
News War » February 13, 2007
Steve Robinson
The Soldier's Heart » March 1, 2005
Warren Rudman
Looking For Answers » October 9, 2001
McGregor Scott
The Enemy Within » October 10, 2006
Suzanne Spaulding
Spying on the Home Front » May 15, 2007
Peter Swire
Spying on the Home Front » May 15, 2007
Fran Townsend
The Man Who Knew » October 3, 2002
Dale Watson
Chasing the Sleeper Cell » October 16, 2003
James Wedick
The Enemy Within » October 10, 2006
Mary Jo White
The Man Who Knew » October 3, 2002
Michael Woods
Spying on the Home Front » May 15, 2007
John Yoo
Spying on the Home Front » May 15, 2007

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posted march 24, 2008

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