Bush's War

Interviews: Clinton administration

Samuel Berger
Hunting Bin Laden » April 13, 1999
Richard Clarke
The Dark Side » June 20, 2006
The Man Who Knew » October 3, 2002
Bill Esposito
Looking For Answers » October 9, 2001
David Gergen
Cheney's Law » October 16, 2007
John Hamre
Rumsfeld's War » October 26, 2004
Richard Holbrooke
Saudi Time Bomb? » November 15, 2001
Thomas Pickering
Terror and Tehran » May 2, 2002
Hunting Bin Laden » April 13, 1999
Dennis Ross
The War Behind Closed Doors » February 20, 2003
Gunning for Saddam » November 8, 2001
Walter Slocombe
Rumsfeld's War » October 26, 2004
Peter Swire
Spying on the Home Front » May 15, 2007
Fran Townsend
The Man Who Knew » October 3, 2002
Edward Walker
Truth, War, and Consequences » October 9, 2003
Looking For Answers » October 9, 2001

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posted march 24, 2008

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