breaking the bank

23 Sample Clips

The IMF's Numerous Warnings? All IgnoredStarting in '07, governments were in denial about the fractures in the financial system. Economist Simon Johnson explains...
Feldstein Lays a Bomb on Central BankersThis was Martin Feldstein's message to federal bankers when he stepped up on the podium at the 8/07 Jackson Hole conclave.
How the Bankers Went At the Lehman CrisisMerrill's John Thain on the emergency Friday meeting at the Federal Reserve, convened by Paulson.
The Weekend That Changed Wall Street"It was an 'Oh my god' moment. Bankers finally realized the implications of Lehman going bankrupt" - Maria Bartiromo, CNBC
Attractive -- But A Sinking ShipThain describes what he confronted when he arrived at Merrill Lynch in December 2007.
"Take Charge" PaulsonHow Thain characterizes the leadership of his former boss at Goldman Sachs.
The Benefits of Being a SuperbankSome of the reasons why banks like Citi and BofA decided bigger is much better.
Is the Era of Superbanks Ending?Economist Simon Johnson suggests that superbanks may be finished -- or should be.
Dashed HopesHow Lehman's Dick Fuld finally came to realize BofA wasn't going to be Lehman's lifeline.
The Paulson Three-Pager Requesting $700 BillionEonomist Simon Johnson's opinion on the document Paulson sent Congress Sept. 18, 2008 asking for TARP money.
The Controversy Over Paulson's Three PagesTreasury's Michele Davis explains how a short rundown was what Congress had wanted.
Paulson's Dramatic 10/13 Meeting With BankersAccording to Michele Davis, a top aide, they initially figured the session with the eight bankers would last a few hours.
Thain's Take on the Momentous MeetingHow Merrill Lynch's CEO John Thain sums up that day's discussion, and the government's demand to the eight bankers.
Banks Sit on the MoneyTreasury's injection of billions into the banks was based on an assumption that proved false.
“It Was A Gift to Them To Do Their Patriotic Duty”Elizabeth Warren's views on the 10/13 meeting in which government became a major stockholder in the banks.
Did Taxpayers Get A Fair Shake?That's the question TARP Oversight Cmte Chair Elizabeth Warren asked Henry Paulson. She got a letter back…
“Thain and Lewis Faced the Music”CNBC's Maria Bartiromo discusses her interviews with both men.
Where'd That $125 Billion Go?Here's Elizabeth Warren's answer. She's charged by Congress with overseeing how banks are using the billions in taxpayer money.
The Merrill Bonuses FlapKen Lewis' sum-up of Bank of America's role in what happened.
The Row Over BonusesAnd John Thain's view on the controversy...
Obama’s OptionsThere's the "closed" option v. "open" option in dealing with troubled banks, and here's some history.
“Once the Word 'Nationalization' Gets Around...”Here's what can happen, says Charles Duhigg, The New York Times.
Barney Frank On the Word “Nationalization”He wants the government to choose its words carefully.
Calibrating Government's RoleRep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), a member of the Congressional oversight panel on TARP money and the bank bailout, offers this approach.

posted june 16, 2009

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