Bad Voodoo's War

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I too was surfing the channels and came across your broadcast about the War in Iraq. This is what the family/friends and people need to see to really understand what is happening to our men over there. I learned so much from this documentary. From the number of hours it can take the soldiers to get from one place to another - how sitting along side the road for 8 hours due to an IED is the way of life for our men. How terribly frightening it is to be at the front of the line - knowing that there is a pretty good chance your vehicle will endure the first blast.

On the other hand, being behind that vehicle can seriously mess your mind up mentally. My first love from when I was in high school enlisted in the Army back in the 70's. We lost touch for a while, but now we have reunited and he is in the Army National Guard. I speak with him via e-mail and phone calls each week. There are so many things he just can't share yet. He is due home soon. The anxiety of coming home and leaving the best friends you have spent a time with in your life that no one else could really understand and just trying to fit back into life here with your family and friends after such an exhausting experience. Seeing this documentary helps us here to know better what the men do go through on these missions, how they live on base - what they eat and the friendships that they develop - so very human, as one soldier said - you forget we are human over here.

I pray so many times a day for the safety of these men. I know sometimes the soldiers want to let go of their faith because they have lost friends over there, but I think that happens to many people in life. What really matters is that their faith is restored and one day they will return to their religious beliefs. Because of this war, I have been reunited with my first love - he wanted to talk to me before leaving for Iraq - after not seeing each other for... years. I called him back and the love we shared 37 years ago - is the same today - it is even better and stronger. God brought us together again and has protected this soldier and will continue to do so - he wants us to be together again. This is one wonderful thing that has come out of the war we are all fighting in one way or another. Thanks for listening!!! Thanks for sharing this video with us.

Carol Thompson
New Freedom, Pennsylvania


Thank you for broadcasting this outstanding program. It was inspired to provide the soldiers with cameras and give them the opportunity to share with all of the U.S. the stresses and horrors they must endure. I am very saddened that these soldiers (and their families) are being asked to sacrifice so much for a more and more obvious political agenda of the current Administration.

It would be in the country's best interest if more focus was put on what our troops are being asked to do, but the Media and the Administration pretty much ignores them.

Ingrid Grimes
Custer, SD


This was a great show and made me so much more knowledgable about what is really going on on the front lines. The sound bites and political speak we see on "news" programs is a waste of time. This is the kind of information that the public needs, an honest viewpoint both the good (brave soldiers taking care of each other) and the bad( preapply a tourniquet in case you get hit!).

I was shocked to learn that since the surge and the Iraqi's taking more control it has become more dangerous due to a change in the rules of engagement. These guys are not appreciated enough by the folks back home. Bless them and their families

St Louis , MO


This frontline was the most powerful I've seen about the Iraq war. It brought home the sacrifice and hardship of the soldiers on the ground which is mentioned only in passing by politicians and the public in the abstract.

There is never a word or mention about the real sacrifice and stress soldiers like Bad Voodoo face every single day in Iraq and will continue to deal with once they come home.

These guys made me proud and humble.

Charlotte, NC


For the last five years American troops have been in Iraq and there has been a national debate on the cause of and solution to the war. The one thing that has been lost are the names, faces, and humanity of those who are actually serving in Iraq. While the current administration and news media has made it prudent not to show the casualties of the war. Those who are alive and serving day in and day out have also become a casualty. A casualty of our collective neglect to the reality of what people, our own countrymen and woman, go through day in and day out.

Thank you to Frontline and Bad Voodoo Platoon for reconnecting us to those who have been ignored for far too long.

Ian Sheridan
Atlanta, Ga


I loved the show. By the time it was done I felt like I knew those men. If there is anything I can do to bolster their spirits - let me know. They are awfully young to be going through those feelings and experiences. I hope that when they get home they will be able to feel like we Americans are grateful and will help them adjust.

Maxine Thomas
Boise, Idaho


Excellent program, ...

I have been there done that, I served in Kuwait, but I was also a spoiled Air Force SSgt. The Army makes fun of us spoiled Air Force. Whether you all feel like it is a worthless political mission, or not. I felt like I was there all over again. Life seems empty at times after being over there, it is quite a culture shock when people in the states are naive of what goes on over there. I love it that you are bringing to us through this. It makes no sense to me when people are just worried about gas prices everyday, when they should be worried about voteing to get you guys out.

You guys need to take this as far as you can and make it your mission to get this to the right politicians to get them to understand.

Politicians need to make a resolution that is not too general in nature to get you out. I was at our County Democrat election this past weekend. And there were many resolutions that we had to vote on, healthcare, ending Iraq war, etc. Getting the guys out of Iraq, ending iraq war was too general to be passed. But, Healthcare was passed.

So make it your mission to "End the War" with this documentary.

Tell Jason he is so adorable when he does his German impression! Adorable. You all need to keep up the good humor, when you can. You are all Awesome!

wichita falls, tx


"...if there is a national rebroadcast of this program" ?? This program should be rebroadcast again and again throughout the PBS system. I had no idea of the caliber of the men who are serving - the intelligence, the courage, the leadership, their humanity - it was stunning. And obscene that they're not back home with us, with their families, contributing their gifts to our country. We want them home NOW. And we want them taken care of when they get back here.

Rosalind Robinson
Sebastopol, CA

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

Please contact your local PBS station for information on rebroadcasts of this program.


Thank you for sharing this story with us. I am shocked by the lack of coverage of what our soldiers go through on the network news programs. I work for a local VA hospital and see the aftermath of this war. IT is helpful to see the day to day lives to better understand the awful stories I listen to. Thank you to PBS and to the Bad Voodoo platoon for what you have been through and what you have been forced to sacrifice.

Linda Macaluso
Buffalo, New York


I had no idea of how hard it must be and the tremendous stress they endure every waking hour of every day. They truly are heroes and I will pray for them every day. The program is outstanding. I would normally have watched "Dancing with the Stars" but when I came across this program I was riveted. Thank You for bringing it to us and thank you to these fine young men. Now they just need to come home for good.

joanne burns
prospect park, Pa


I just saw the post about the mother sitting down with her 14 year old to watch Frontline. A great number of the men fighting this war were 14 when the war started. I only pray that it will be over when today's 14 year olds are 'boots on the ground' age. It will take a better mind than mine to get us out of this war. However, I know this, I will never vote for anyone again who says 'we can't talk with them, they are evil.' No more evil thing was ever SAID!!!!!!! Common ground and compromise are not appeasement, but one has to have studied English to know the difference.

Carolyn Heinz
Houston, Tx


So last night, I was watching an interview with Jesse Ventura in which he states that the people running the war are "chicken hawks". And then I change the channel and Bad Voodoo Platoon is on. I couldn't change the channel. I was drawn in and I thank PBS for showing this show. It is important for Americans to realize that while we are home being manipulated by all the political hooplah, there are soldiers out there risking their lives and more importantly changing their lives forever. After what I sleep...not being able to use the bathroom thus suffering from urinary tract infections...tension every night from start to finish...explosions...there is no way that any of the or woman...are ever the same. No one...not even President Bush (and he deserves it more than anyone) should have to walk among enemy lines if the war is not their own! Congratulations to Sergeant Nunn for the birth of his daughter. She is beautiful :-)

New York, New York


These men are so thoughtful and intelligent.They are excellentobservers and storytellers. I like the democratic approach tostorytelling, where everyone, who wants to, can provideinsight and real - life experience to those who are not in the experience. We observers need this insight and it promotesmore informed decision-making. The Frontline websites that accompany each show are amazing. Each one is like a 3-D book -very rich and fun to explore. Thank you to all involved.

North Kingstown, Rhode Island


You all make me proud to be an American.

Michael Sullivan
San Diego, CA


I had no idea what our soldiers experience day to day. Even on down times, it seems their thoughts are forever on 'the mission';fervently focussed with fleeting thoughts of home if they dare allow their minds to wonder there. My eyes are open. Now when I pray, it won't be for 'our soldiers' as a whole, it will be for 'every single/individual American Soldier'.

And, now I have to question why aren't they home where they belong. The Iraqi's don't want them there unless of course they want to use them for target practise. Let the Iraqi's blow themselves up. Get our soldiers home! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Roseburg, Oregon


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posted april 1, 2008

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