Bad Voodoo's War

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The intimate and humanizing view of Bad Voodoo's Iraq surge experience is a welcome departure from the pumped-up drama of typical wartime coverage. I think it's important for all of us to feel an emotional connection to our troops when it has been too easy for us to avert our eyes from this long war's toll.

Your ability to cover important issues in an innovative and compelling way keeps me supporting PBS; thank you, Deborah Scranton, and these soldiers who have served with such honor that they need no further validation from the war's resolution.

Sherrill Robinson
St. James City, Florida


The fact that one soldier was watching Lion King in order to feel close to his kids is beyond heartbreaking. Its a crime, its inhumane, its disgusting. It might be different if the cause for separation was a noble and good one, but its a sham.

I'm disgusted by our government, have been for a long time. Does Bush and this administration think they can ever look these sodiers and these soldiers families in the eye? Or will they continue the rest of their lives to just turn their head, (while while making their huge bank deposits)?

Kiah Teves
Pahoa, Hawaii


I got wind of this program from JP's posts on The Sandbox, and was very much looking forward to the airing. It was absolutely riveting - I couldn't have turned the channel if I tried.

Thank you so much for enabling the Bad Voodoo platoon to share their experiences with us. Some of us at home are making every effort to follow what's going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, and programs like this really help. I think that I would happily follow Sfc. Nunn anywhere he cared to go. Those guys are in great hands!

Katie Sachs
Seattle, WA


I'm a soldier with the Canadian Forces and its nice to see something showing the dedication and sacrifice that a soldier has to endure to help with the cause. The soldiers of Bad Voodoo Platoon deserve all the respect and support that is required for them to finish out their tour of duty.

Thanks guys for everything that you do in Iraq, even if you don't agree with being over there, your still doing an amazing job.

Selwyn Langdon
Shilo, Manitoba, Canada


This has really touched my heart and home, my son is currently in Iraq and he has been there for one whole year. Daniel is an infantry soldier. I could never imagine how hard these soliders work day in and out and the long hours they work in one day. When my son has a chance to email me, I always tell him to get some rest you look exhausted and he would reply their is no time. I see know why my son is always asking for energy drinks and bars. I totally understand the lifes these soliders are living and my son.

Thank you, for showing the families and the world what is happening in Iraq. This is the REAL DEAL!!! People don't appreciate what these brave ARMY soldiers are doing, until they see what really goes on in Iraq.

May God bless and watch over all the soldiers that are currently serving in Iraq.

Rachel Perez
Dallas, Texas


My husband and I watched with interest since we were so anxious to see what these young people go through to serve their country.

Thank you for this program and the facts we don't see on the national news. I pray for the safe return of the entire platoon.

Spring, Texas


My son-in-law serves in the regular Army and has done multiple deployments (soon to return) so being able to "be with" a group of soldiers and actually experiencing the day to day work they do has been immeasurable.

Thank you to all the soldiers for sharing their lives, the tension, the fear, the boredom, the reality. I no longer watch news nor trust our politicians output but I do trust the men who are on the ground everyday. Thank you.

jan paprskar
san antonio, texas


No political remarks here--plenty of those to go around everywhere else.

Thanks so much for this show. Sgt. Nunn has a beautiful family, and it was surely made crystal clear why his men "would follow him into hell with a gas can." THANKS to all of you guys for your service.

I am telling everyone I know to watch this.

Ellen Morelock
Danbury, CT


Thank you for allowing us to witness and share the tension, fear and frustration that our soldiers go through. I feel for them having to go on those miserable, endless escort patrols. The bleak and depressing landscape added to the surreal feeling. When you consider that they also have to deal with treachery and uncertainty as to who is the enemy -- no wonder they come back with PTSD. Those guys are in my heart and in my prayers and will be there forever.

Patricia Kelcher
Dallas, TX


As the wife of a Navy reservist called up to active duty in Afghanistan, it has been the closest report I have seen of what he is doing in theatre.

Even more thanks to the guys in Big Voo Doo! You guys are the best for agreeing to do this project (I'm sure it is requiring even more work than you need while doing your job abroad). Don't forget that you are loved, missed, and continually prayed for everyday by many people in America (even though it may not feel that way on some days).

Come home safe and keep the updates coming... You have everyone's attention now!

Mary Finney
Mountain Top, PA


I was glued to the pictures, as if I were there on the mission. As the credits rolled, I shared a comment with my husband. This Frontline view was the first time pictures of a war cut to my very core. I will pray for all our brave American fighters, and for the Bad VooDoo platoon.

Brinda Miller
Delta, Ohio


Another job well done by FRONTLINE. I find it impossible to support our foreign policy but as impossible to NOT care and worry about the men and women in the action.

As a Vietnam Era Vet spending 13 months on the DMZ in Korea, I found myself seeking counselingthe day after we invaded Iraq. I can only imagine these guys mindset when starting each day. I'll follow their journey online till they get back.

Gil Eggleston
Leavenworth, WA


My brother is in the Army, Airborne Infantry and at 18 went on his first tour in Iraq in 2007, 2 months into it he was hit by an IED while on foot but recovered. When he came home he was undeniabley different, I couldn't even begin to imagine what went on over there and he doesn't talk about it.

This insight Bad Voodoo company is providing is invaluable to us in the states. It will help me better understand where he's coming from and why he is withdrawn the way he has.

Regardless of the politics of it all I say thank you to Bad Voodoo company and all of our uniformed men and woman.....God Bless you!

Stefany Hofmann
Pickerington, OH


The idea of letting someone tell their own story is not new - that's what many documentaries are based on. But to put the cameras in the hands of Sgt, Nunn and his platoon is out-of-the-box groundbreaking (not to mention incredibly risky for the filmmakers). Thank you, Frontline, for presenting this cutting edge piece of work!

Mark Van Veen
Chicago, Illinois


We watched your excellent program last night, wonder how many of our politicians responsible for supporting the war were also watching and what their reactions might have been. It was distressing for me to watch the show and know what a tremendous stress the soldiers are under and how helpless they are to do anything about it.

We normally watch Frontline and other PBS news shows because PBS presents in depth news not awailable from other TV sources. Please continue to keep us informed so that we may better choose who to represent us and understand what truely is happening in these troubled times.

margaret miller
kansas city, missouri


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posted april 1, 2008

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