Bad Voodoo's War

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To my Brothers In Arms:I too, a not too, former member of US Army - Medical Corps assigned to Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital under the USAR 2290th US Army Hospital. And whom have served during OEF, I understand your pain and grief. But I say to you as Veteran and a Government Contractor who feel as though my support for the my Brothers In Arms (Soldiers , Grunts, Airmen and Navy boonies). I wish to extend my deepest admiration to you for the continued support in fighting Tyranny and oppression around the world. And though you may feel as though your efforts are wasted and unnecessary. Believe me it's not... I hear countless briefings about the efforts of our US Service men and women in battle around the world. And one effort at Camp Anaconda goes along way all the way to services that US Government contractors like myself provide. Our dedication to the War fighters will eventually make your job easier and more bearable.

My only wish I have for my fellow soldiers in arms is to keep your heads up, watch out for you fellow soldier whether it be a Jr. NCO, NCO or Sr. NCO. Bring everyone back, but if you can't give'em hell and keep kicking!

Hoorahhh!Former NCO Karim

Aqeel Karim
Alexandria, VA


What incredible heroes we have serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. I can personally identify with their situations and fears, having served in Vietnam, Somalia, and Desert Storm. Had I not retired when I did, perhaps I could be there providing some type of assistance to these courageous Americans. There is most definitely a sadness for how so many of our returning heroes are being treated. They put their lives on the line every day, and ask for nothing in return. In many ways, this is a reminder of the aftermath of Vietnam. May they all be honored, respected, and blessed. What magnificent heroes they all are!


W. Jones
St. Louis, MO


I want to say that this is an astonishing film. This film has shown the Bravery, courage, and commitment that our soldiers put forth every day. We as the John-Q public, owe it to our soldiers to think of them and have them in our thoughts at all times. They are doing a wonderful job and we shall Back you all in everything that you are doing. I sincerely, hope that Sfc. Nunn is discharged Honorably and does not get any formal or informal reprimands from our military brass. This film has in my most humble opinion, shown that our military is trully the Greatest on earth. I do not feel that this film hurts or degrades our military in any way.

Thank You Bad Voo-Doo for everything that all of you have done for us John-Q public, thank you for filming your lives and giving us the Priviledge to see and hear your stories..

Carrollton, Texas


I have just seen this program on SBS Australian TV. I hope that you all return to your homes and families in May as stated in the documentary. I have never been so scared watching a television program in my entire life.

Treisha Smith
Sydney, NSW Australia

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

(5/28/08): Bad Voodoo Platoon is home from Iraq; read an update from Sfc. Nunn.


I just finished watching Bad Voodoo Platoon online and I so appreciate what our brave soldiers have done, our doing and will still be doing, so that we are able to enjoy the freedom that I think we all take for granted still. Right now everything is all about the economy and if we are in a recession and how high the price of gas is, well after watching this video it kind of makes you realize that we dont have it so bad right now , and has made me realize that being layed off from my job and unable to secure another , is nothing compared to what these and all the rest of the soldiers are dealing with everyday over there. So I just want to say thank you , keep your head on a swivel and come home safe !! JA

Jeffrey Addy
Roseville, California


I watched your story three times now and have felt differently every time. I can say that I have never been moved by the tenseness of watching you roll down the dark highways of a world so different than mine. The restraint you showed in the IUD incident was compelling, I have a very different view of the Army now. My days as a stressed out submariner do not even contrast the situation yuou are under every day. I hope you all well Bad Voodoo and you all see your loved ones again soon. They are very lucky people to know you all.

Larry Priest
Virginia Beach, Virginia


Thank you Frontline, and the men of Bad Voodoo! My husband is currenty station in Camp Virginia, doing the same convey security missions to Cedar, in fact they are still sharing some of the tents with the 160th unit from CA, from my undertstanding until May 10. The video was very helpful for me to understand what my husband faces everyday! I pray that all the soldiers come home safe, and that the american people support and pray for our soldiers no matter what their views or beliefs are. I am organizing a care package drive in our hometown we need to do whatever we can to show respect and support to our men and woman!!! Thank you again.



I would like to say thank you for what you do. My only son is one of the employees in transport and I appreciate what you are doing to keep he and all safe.

linda gaston
Tahlequah, Oklahoma


Bad Voodoo's War does a SUPERIOR job of presenting the war, and all it's associated stresses and challenges, from the perspective of those fighting it on a daily basis. Thanks for taking the time to get it right!

MSG Johnny Reid
Kansas City, MO


WOW!! This documentary was very powerful, interesting, and scary at the same time. My husband is actually over seas right now in the same camp as the bad voodoo's platoon. He had told me that if I wanted to see what his daily life and duties were in Kuwait then I should watch it and of course I was very interested in watching it. After watching it I had a better understand of what my husband goes through and how difficult and dangerous it really is for everyone out there today. However, I have learned so much from this documentary and was very glad that I watched it. However, it has made me realized the amount of danger my husband is capable of encountering. I thank the producer so much for providing myself and anyone else in my position to see and understand what our love ones do over seas.

sacramento, ca


Thank you for a great series! I was glued to the TV and couldn't get pulled away for anything. I appreciate the opportunity to see things from an Army enlisted member's eyes. I have spent several tours in the AOR, but have not been there since the second gulf war. The troops' personal insights are great as I will likely return next year. Please continue similar series by highlighting other branches as well. Doing so allows everyone to see what other branches of service are doing and their challenges.

Houston, Texas


While it is true that we always plan as if the worst case scenario were inevitable, the fortunate truth is that the numbers don't bear this out. I feel that the post "When not If" needs this caveat because those men have families that watch this.Our unit did Bad Voodoo's job during the bloodiest year of the war so far...we lost two guys KIA, and one seriously wounded. It's true, many were hit, and some others (one or two) that were with us from other units were killed, but the actual chances of getting hit and killed are far, far less than inevitable.This fact does not lessen the reality that there is danger, the men of Bad Voodoo are courageous, and when someone does die it is just as tragic. There is just nothing inevitable about it. To the families. God go with you as he did with my wife and sons, and know that disaster is not even near to being a foregone conclusion. They're much, much more likely to come home to you than get hurt in Iraq.

Riverside, CA.


i watched the documentary,on tv the other night,that you produced an thought that it was straight forward and to the point--more people should bring out the truths about this war and the way our troops are being used as pawns in a game of chess.i have a son, who is a marine, in iraq and the same is true of all his unit actions that are taking place. they can send them off to war and when they come home all busted up and disturbed they just forget about them! this needs to stop and somebody has to be held accountable for all the atrocities. please continue with this type of documentary and i am looking forward to more about the soldiers of "voodoo's war" thanks for your dedication and may god bless all these soldiers.

robert clark
south royalton, vermont


I enjoyed the show! I could feel my stomach tighten when I saw the fuel trucks. It's been 40 years. I was a convoy commander in the Central Highlands of Vietnam for almost a year. The equipment is so much better now but the same bad feelings are still there. I had a jeep with a gunner in the rear, two M-60 machine guns, and a couple of radios. We had guntrucks spaced in the convoy for security. They were homemade armored vehicles. An armor box on top of a truck. A couple of M-60 machine guns with a .50 caliber (Bad Voodoo is using them) in the back with grenades etc. We had the same problems, mines in the road and sniper fire. Sometimes outright ambushes from the side of the road.

I FEEL FOR THOSE GUYS. THEY ARE DOING A WONDERFUL JOB under very adverse circumstances. I'm going to follow them online and try to get in touch but I know they are very busy.

I finished my working career as a civilian at Walter Reed Army Medical Center working as a chief technologist doing cancer diagnostic patient care. I worked on the 4th floor and all of the wounded were on the 3rd floor and all over the hospital. It was brutal to see. I don't want any of them to wind up there!

Former 1LT leigh Buckner TC-541st Trans Co.- Pleiku RVN 68-69



What gives? No more reports from the guys?

Kervile, Texas

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

The men in Bad Voodoo platoon are unable to provide any new video at this time. You can follow what is happening to the platoon by visiting the blogs of Sfc. Toby Nunn or Sgt. J.P. Borda.


My husband and I just caught the last 10 minutes of the show on Frontline. And all I can say is thank you. He is an OIF veteran suffering from PTSD. He drove gasoline tanker trucks in the Anbar Province for the Army Reserves in 2005-2006. We're having marital problems as a result of the PTSD - especially his lack of emotion. In the final minutes, there is a soldier who talks about how he and his wife or girlfriend are always fighting and that he lacks any emotions. At the end, it said that they are no longer together. That struck both my husband and me as a parallel to our lives right now. It had a major impact on my husband. Thank you so much for doing this. Being an Army Reserve member's wife is like being a fish out of water. There are no active duty Army bases in Massachusetts. People around me just don't understand. I hope the rest of this country gets to see just what these soldiers are doing over there. They are the true heroes as are the families who hold down the fort at home. I hope this war is over soon so that there isn't any time to do more of these type stories. Otherwise, please do another. Their stories need to be told as do the stories of the wives/husbands and children left behind. The soldier who leaves for Iraq is not the soldier who comes home.

Canton, Massachusetts


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posted april 1, 2008

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