The Age of Aids [home page]

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the past and the future

What It's Like to Live with HIV: Four Stories
It's easy to forget amid the overwhelming statistics -- 40 million infected, 25 million dead, 12 million orphans in Africa alone -- that the grassroots battle against HIV/AIDS happens every day in the bodies of infected people worldwide. In their own words, here are the stories of five individuals living with HIV in Brazil, China, South Africa and the United States.

AIDS: A 100% Preventable Pandemic
HIV is one of the most deadly viruses humankind has ever faced. But it has one weakness: It's 100 percent preventable by relatively basic measures. Here is a look at the few countries which over the years have had some success in reducing their HIV rates, as well as some new prevention tools that science has developed.

The New Thinking on Testing
In the summer of 2006, the CDC is expected to recommend that every American between ages 13 and 64 get an HIV test during their regular medical check up. It's estimated that one quarter of the roughly 1 million Americans who are infected with the virus don't know it. In this e-mail exchange with three individuals at the forefront of the battle against HIV/AIDS, FRONTLINE explores the implication of the new recommendation.

The Money Trail: Financing the Global AIDS Response
Ten years ago, the world spent less than $300 million annually to combat HIV/AIDS in developing countries. In 2005, that figure reached $8.3 billion. What drove this explosion in funding, where is the money going and what are the continuing challenges? Here's a closer look.

Needle Exchange: A Primer
Preventing the transmission of HIV by giving clean needles to drug addicts -- one of the highest risk groups for infection -- has been a controversial issue for more than two decades in the United States. Does needle exchange bring down HIV infection rates? What does the scientific evidence show? Here is an overview.


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posted may 30, 2006

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