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Where Can I Go to Learn More?

General Sites

The Body
The Body is one of the Web's most complete HIV/AIDS resource sites. It has basic information on the virus, treatment and prevention, as well as "Ask the Experts" forums on topics ranging from treatment strategies to mental health to living in a mixed-status couple. Also of note is the Visual AIDS Web Gallery with art created by HIV-positive artists.

Avert, a British advocacy group, has a user-friendly site dedicated to HIV/AIDS. It includes a comprehensive history of the pandemic; country and regional reports, with a particular focus on Africa; lots of statistics broken out by country and region; quizzes to test your knowledge; and much more.

Kaiser Family Foundation
Journalists, policymakers and others wanting a grounding in the issues will appreciate the Kaiser Family Foundation's Web site on HIV/AIDS. It includes a guide for reporters; national surveys on HIV/AIDS in America; fact sheets that provide quick snapshots of the disease in certain populations or countries; and lots more. Other related Kaiser sites include, which has global data on HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and more; and, which has lots of health statistics, including HIV/AIDS stats, broken down state by state.

AIDS Education Global Information System
The AIDS Education Global Information System (AEGIS) serves as a clearinghouse for all sorts of recent news, press releases and announcements about HIV/AIDS. It also has a database of scientific abstracts from local, regional and international AIDS conferences, as well as an "Ask the Doc" service.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is the major resource for facts about HIV/AIDS in the United States. It includes information on all sorts of prevention programs, fact sheets about different high-risk groups, and statistics broken down by state. It also hosts a collection of articles from the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on HIV/AIDS.

DHHS HIV/AIDS Information Site
This Department of Health and Human Services Web site has lots of information for HIV-positive individuals and the general public, including a guide to Social Security benefits; a fact sheet on the evidence that HIV causes AIDS; resources on how and where to get tested; and lots more. Several of its pages are also available in Spanish.

Headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) conducts research into how to understand, treat and prevent infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS. Its Web site contains many fact sheets on the general science of HIV, treatment, vaccines and prevention.

The New York Times: AIDS/HIV
The New York Times has opened its archives with free access to more than 5,000 articles on HIV/AIDS, as well as multimedia features.


Sites for People Living With HIV/AIDS

POZ Magazine
A magazine for HIV-positive people, POZ's Web site includes: HIV 101, the current issue and archives of the print magazine, and a place for newly diagnosed individuals to find a mentor to talk to for advice and support.
This site has loads of treatment information targeted towards HIV-positive individuals, including how to talk to your doctor, how to deal with side effects, and special issues for women and children. It also has "cool tools," which allow you to get personalized drug interaction report and graph your lab results, as well as Webcasts about treatment issues.

National Association of People with AIDS
NAPWA advocates for the more than 1 million Americans living with HIV/AIDS. Its site includes the archives of its periodic e-mail newsletter Positive Voice and more information about its leadership programs.


The Science of HIV/AIDS

Virus Life Cycle
Johns Hopkins University has a very clear and simple animated explanation of HIV's life cycle.

Why Resistance Happens
Johns Hopkins University also has constructed a step-by-step guided tutorial of how resistance to HIV drugs occurs and why proper drug adherence is critical.

Dale & Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center
Part of the National Institutes of Health, the Dale & Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center has lots of information on its site about AIDS vaccine efforts and clinical trials, including a list of Frequently Asked Questions about participating in an AIDS vaccine trial.

The Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
This site has more information about the clinical trials conducted at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center and led by Dr. David Ho, as well as a virtual tour of its facilities.

Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
Although it focuses on San Francisco and United States, this site also includes a portfolio of research projects done around the world. It has a bilingual video that exposes myths about HIV/AIDS among Latinos in the Bay Area and a section with curricula for effective prevention messages in different populations. The whole site is also available in Spanish.

2006 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
Here is a complete report of the happenings at the 2006 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), an annual AIDS conference held in the United States. The site including Webcasts, podcasts and abstracts of the material that was presented.


The Global Picture

This is the site for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, known as UNAIDS, led by Dr. Peter Piot. It has the most authoritative regional and country-specific data, as well as information specifically targeted to HIV-positive individuals, policymakers, women and young people.

The World Health Organization
Here is the World Health Organization's (WHO) Web site on HIV/AIDS, with links to policy positions, publications, data and more. It contains country-specific epidemiological fact sheets and guidelines on how to provide treatment in developing countries. WHO's Web site also has archived information on its "3 by 5 Initiative," which aimed to get 3 million people on treatment by the end of 2005, including reports chronicling its efforts in 47 target countries.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has funded about $6 billion in HIV/AIDS programs since 1986, more than any other private or public agency. This is its main Web site, with links to its programs in nearly 100 countries. Also on this site is more information about President Bush's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a $15 billion program of prevention, treatment and care targeted toward 15 focus countries that are home to 50 percent of infections worldwide.

IRIN Plus News
Run by the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs, IRIN Plus News Service is an excellent site for the most current developments regarding HIV/AIDS in Africa.


How Can I Help?


HIV/AIDS in the United States

After 19 years of practicing civil disobedience in order to highlight HIV/AIDS treatment issues, the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) is still going strong. On its Web site, you can download a guide to civil disobedience training and access many activist documents.

The American Foundation for AIDS Research
Known as amfAR, the American Foundation for AIDS Research was founded in 1985 to support research and treatment education, and to advocate "sound AIDS-related public policy."

The Balm in Gilead
The Balm in Gilead's goal is to mobilize communities of faith to stop the spread of AIDS throughout the African Diaspora. Endorsed by 17 major denominations, it primarily focuses on activities in black American churches but is expanding operations into Africa.

Black AIDS Institute
Focusing on African Americans, the Black AIDS Institute has race-specific information on HIV/AIDS in the United States, publishes numerous position papers in response to the latest HIV/AIDS news, and lists upcoming HIV education events. The institute is headed by activist Phill Wilson.

Gay Men's Health Crisis
Founded in New York City by Larry Kramer and a small group of frightened gay men in the early 1980s, GMHC is the country's oldest HIV/AIDS advocacy group. Though it started primarily to care for HIV-positive New Yorkers left without any support system of their own, GMHC now provides information for all HIV-positive individuals (not just gay men).

National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
The Web site for NASTAD is targeted toward state and local health care providers and policymakers but also includes a Global AIDS Technical Assistance Program.

National Minority AIDS Council
Since 1987, the National Minority AIDS Council has been working to address HIV/AIDS issues in communities of color. It offers programs and services including assistance to community-based organizations devastated by Hurricane Katrina, a database of local HIV/AIDS organizations, and a hotline.

Prevention and Access to Care and Treatment (PACT)
This project, based in Boston and led by Dr. Heidi Behforouz, is a model of how health care workers and individuals can address HIV/AIDS among the poor and disenfranchised in their communities. PACT trains community health promoters to bring medicine and care to people in their homes.

Project Inform
Founded in 1985 by Martin Delaney, Project Inform's mission is to share information and accelerate advances in treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Trust for America's Health
The Trust for America's Health is a more general organization focused broadly on "making disease prevention a national priority." Its site has a state-by-state breakdown of health statistics, as well as a Take Action section that helps guide you on how to lobby elected officials and the media.


HIV/AIDS Around the World

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the world's largest private funder for global health needs. This site describes its myriad HIV/AIDS projects: from a comprehensive free treatment program in Botswana, to educating sex workers in India, to funding vaccine research.

Founded by Bono and others, DATA lobbies for debt relief, fair trade and AIDS treatment and prevention in Africa. Its Web site answers the questions: Why Africa? Why Me? and Why DATA? It also has an action center where you can write world leaders, tell your friends or get your faith community involved.

Family Health International
Family Health International works in more than 60 countries in the developing world to help identify and implement effective HIV/AIDS interventions that are appropriate to that country and community. Its Web site includes lots of information about its projects and a report detailing lessons learned in Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda about how to deliver treatment in resource-constrained settings.

Global AIDS Alliance
The Global AIDS Alliance (GAA) is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization dedicated to "galvanizing the political will" to fight HIV/AIDS worldwide. Its Web site includes a collection of the latest news items about HIV/AIDS and a section called PEPFAR Monitor, with a collection of articles and reports about President Bush's $15 billion program.

Health Global Access Project
This organization of U.S.-based HIV and human rights activists campaigns for equal access to life-saving HIV drugs around the world. Its Web site includes position papers and fact sheets on a variety of HIV topics worldwide, as well as a section exploring U.S. free trade agreements and their impact on access to medicine.

Partners in Health
Partners in Health simply revolutionized the worldwide thinking about the feasibility of providing HIV treatment in poor, rural areas. Led by Dr. Paul Farmer, the program started in the mountains of Haiti, where the HIV/AIDS epidemic hit early and hard. Today, they work in seven different countries. Read their exhaustive guide to community-based treatment in resource-poor settings here.

Pathfinder International
Pathfinder is a non-governmental organization that supports health programs worldwide, with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS. This site lists their major projects, what's happening in each country they work in, and other special reports. It also tells you ways you can help.

Samaritan's Purse
This international relief charity was founded and is run by the Rev. Franklin Graham. Find out more about its HIV/AIDS Prescription for Hope here.


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posted may 30, 2006

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